Global Trade Item Number and is a GS1 article number used to give products and packaging a globally unique identity. The GTIN contains information about:
- Product identification number
- In which country the number is issued
- Your company identity
(Global Location Number) is a location number that answers the questions who and where. The globally unique number is used by companies that want to identify locations and parties in the supply chain, such as:
- Physical locations, such as delivery locations, warehouse gates, and ports
- Mobile places, for example, ambulances, food trucks, or boats
- Digital locations, such as electronic messaging systems (EDI)
- Functions, such as sales or finance departments
- Legal entities, for example, companies, subsidiaries, or authorities
(Serial Shipping Container Code) are unique GS1 package numbers used to number logistical units, such as pallets, roll cages, and packages. All parties in the supply chain can follow and trace a logistical unit from manufacturer to end customer.
Standards in the supply chain (showing how our standards work in the supply chain)